Eight Sea Family

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Graduation Ceremony 2010

Today, Saturday 24 April 2010, A great event celebrated in our campus, namely Graduation Ceremony (Wisuda) for the Students of the Academic Year 2006. This agenda is held in the mid field of STKIP PGRI jombang. Hundreds candidates of teacher have been graduated. Will they all become teacher? Are education institutions in Jombang enough to receive them all? How many teachers are needed?
We are as the junior, who will be like them, should take experience, learn from the event, take messages, and think more about our future. Are you ready to compete with others? Have you prepare it all?
There are many things we can learn from the event. First, time is running so fast that college teaching learning process is just like a dream. The time is too short when we try to compare with the science, knowledge and everything that we must learn. There are still many things we haven’t known. We must learn more and more. We should use our time well. This is for our future and of course for Indonesian young generation future.
Second, Life is competition. Whenever and wherever we are, since we are still alive in this world, we will compete.

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